Club Programs

Spring Program

The spring season is a competitive program for U8, U10, U12 & U14  playing in the Vermont Soccer Association league.  

We play against competitive teams and travel up to 90 minutes to games for at least one game a week.  

This program is geared towards players looking to challenge themselves against other experienced players.

Fall Program

Stowe Soccer’s aim is to develop players’ skills and appreciation for the game of soccer all while having fun.

The fall program is recreational. We play other recreational teams within Lamoille County and it is intended to meet the needs of players at all levels where they can play together. The fall program includes grades K-5 and runs from September through October. 

Stowe Soccer is 100% volunteer run and we always need help from coaching, assisting coaches, to field maintenance. Please note during registration you can indicate how you’d like to help.

No players will be allowed to play in an older age group. Rare exceptions will require a vote of the board.

All players should wear cleats and shin guards and bring a soccer ball and a water bottle. Players should have a small, healthy snack before the start of practice.

Home Fields

Stowe Polo Field

667 W Hill Rd, Stowe, VT 05672

Memorial Park | Stowe Elementary School

350 Park Street, Stowe, VT 05672